That being said, Nathan and I planned to make dinner for a family of 7 on Monday night. It sounded easy enough. As is customary with me, however, I often think I know things I do not -- like that I have lasagna noodles in the cupboard. Wouldn't have been a problem except I discovered it about 10 minutes after I laid Carleigh down for a nap. What resulted was another shared experience with Nathan as we worked together to make the noodles ourselves thanks to the Kitchen Aid pasta maker attachment my Mother-in-law bought me a couple of years ago. It took longer than I originally planned to make lasagna, but all was well until Carleigh woke up early from her nap. Within 5 minutes of getting her out of her crib, it became apparent that she had the same virus Nathan had a week ago. Not pretty and a lot challenging when figuring out the logistics of delivering a dinner when David was at work.
As it worked out, David and Nathan delivered the dinner. I think Nathan was especially proud that he helped, excited to see a friend's house, and thrilled to be out with just his Daddy for a little while. I hope the lasagna was good and that the recipients know they are loved and appreciated by our family.
Just read the beginning couple of posts on your blog. I love how you write what you feel. My blog is You can also reach my daughters Jamie Reese and Sandy Snyder from my blog. I loss this January has made us different people. My remaining grandchilden are a delight. The twins, Peyton and Paige are 11 and 1/2. The little one is Reese Madelynn Snyder and she is 21 months old. Sandy was first married and alas, my ex- son in law cheated and left his family when the twins were 6 years old. A divorce is like a death. But, Sandy found a great guy, James, who is a cop here in Danville. He loves ALL 3 girls as if they all belonged to him, what a blessing. Long distance friends can be fun. I hope that is what we can be. phone is 217-474-9185 (cell). Any prayer concerns of blessings feel free to share. BTW, I am 66 years old, short, round, and gray headed!!