Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I was listening to a radio program a couple of weeks ago and I heard the person being interviewed comment that whenever we feel led to do something for someone, we should just do it. Too often we see someone struggling with the realities of life and offer the words, "If there's anything I can do for you, please call me." Let's be honest. How many of us ever take another person up on that? Usually we rationalize that other people have so much going on, too, so how dare I ask anyone for help for fear of being an extra burden on them.

That being said, Nathan and I planned to make dinner for a family of 7 on Monday night. It sounded easy enough. As is customary with me, however, I often think I know things I do not -- like that I have lasagna noodles in the cupboard. Wouldn't have been a problem except I discovered it about 10 minutes after I laid Carleigh down for a nap. What resulted was another shared experience with Nathan as we worked together to make the noodles ourselves thanks to the Kitchen Aid pasta maker attachment my Mother-in-law bought me a couple of years ago. It took longer than I originally planned to make lasagna, but all was well until Carleigh woke up early from her nap. Within 5 minutes of getting her out of her crib, it became apparent that she had the same virus Nathan had a week ago. Not pretty and a lot challenging when figuring out the logistics of delivering a dinner when David was at work.

As it worked out, David and Nathan delivered the dinner. I think Nathan was especially proud that he helped, excited to see a friend's house, and thrilled to be out with just his Daddy for a little while. I hope the lasagna was good and that the recipients know they are loved and appreciated by our family.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Making a Difference

So . . . clearly I have been less than disciplined in the fine art of blogging. Not sure why other than that I lacked a clear direction in the real purpose of this other than chronicling our life for the benefit of Nathan and Carleigh down the road. I hope today is different and the start of something that will impact them in a whole other way.

I've recently been challenged on the idea of making a difference. Of course, as a Christian it's been something I've been challenged on for most of my life -- but what to really do. Now as a parent I feel an even greater responsibility. How do I model a life that is impacting the world around me and teach them to do the same? How do I get out of my self-serving -- or even just family-serving mentality -- and realize that it is up to me to start consciously taking those steps every day and not just letting them happen when and where they may.

So we are starting something new at our house. We will do one thing every day -- whether big or small -- to make a difference in the life of someone that doesn't live in this house. I think most of us want to do that, we just don't know how. I don't know if I know how either, but we're going to try because I want to love and serve people like my Jesus did and I want my kids to do the same.

Yesterday was the first effort. It was a small one, but it was a step beyond giving lip service in appreciation to someone for doing something special for us. Nathan made a card for some people that picked him and Carleigh from the nursery so that I can stand with David at the end of the morning service. They didn't do it because they were asked, just because they saw a need. He actually wrote all the words (or maybe I should say the letters of the words) and drew all the pictures, picked out an envelope, sealed it, and delivered it. If you don't think giving someone a card to tell them you appreciate them makes a difference, try it. I guarantee that you'll see at least one smile. I saw smiles on the faces of the recipient and the giver as Nathan made his delivery.

Now, let's see what we can do today to make a difference. . .